May 2006 - May 2015
began in the Agile Master role in 2010, when the approach and values based on Agile management was an uncertain bet in Brazil. Simultaneously with the Product Owner role, I implemented and led some engineering teams with Scrum methodology, along with kanban concepts and lean practices, and I have always gained great outcomes with people, processes and financial results when I applied this.
acted as Product Owner over 5 years for 5 critical projects and acquired business skills such as: developing partnerships with stakeholders and managers to gain and to shape a fluid and assertive knowledge of the strategy and roadmap planned. This included driving outcomes and operations effectively with engineering, product designers and business agility teams to deliver services and a high quality product to customers.
for over 10 months, I was a single Java-Enterprise-Edition coder developing a product for a great player in the Brazilian marketplace. I refactored a lot of code within the platform correcting hundreds of errors. I reduced platform errors by 75%, such that the user experience improved bringing subsequent subscription and revenue growth. Another important highlight was the Memory Leak fixed as it required a detailed investigation, extended monitoring and much deeper research into software engineering;
PHP ZendFramework coder to build an extensive project for a foundation sponsored by Vivo Corporation;
Java-Enterprise-Edition coder for a Telethon platform team for over 2 years. The Telethon project included a website interface to capture donations. The focus was a High-performance platform delivering load-balance spanning, which required EJB architectural and load testings to simulate millions of web requests simultaneously;
implemented quality processes based on MPS.BR. Namely CMMI, which has a global focus on larger companies; and MPS.BR is a model created for medium and small companies.